Risk and Analytics Management

Redefining Risk Management

Using unique software and analytical tools, we offer comprehensive services on Risk and Analytics Management. We provide detailed services on the various risks of business, enterprise, and projects, as well as solutions to mitigate these risks, while also providing a strategy that best suits your business in order to maximize profit.

Our analysis takes a qualitative and quantitative approach to the use of our software, such as; Risk Simulator, Real Options SLS, Bizstats, Modelling Toolkit, and Runtime for Skill Simulator, and analytical tools, such as; DecRisk, Project Risk Management, Enterprise Risk Management, Quantitative Data Modeller, Large Scale Risk Optimizer, Project Economic Analytics Tool (PEAT), PEAT Oil and Gas, etc. to analyze  data for Monte Carlo Simulation, Decision Tree, Financial Options, to name a few. 

Our portfolio on risk management also provides comprehensive training on the use of these tools and software as well as general training in risk management. This unique training provides a complete insight and skill set on various risk categories in business. Narrowed down to the oil and gas sector, it focuses on Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in risk management.

In-house customized training can also be offered to meet the business demands of the company. Our courses, offered by internationally recognized instructors, cover topics such as; Quantitative and Qualitative analysis, Enterprise Risk Management, Optimization and Prediction Forecasting, Monte Carlos Simulation, and Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. 

These are categorized into the following 4 Courses;

All our courses are IIPER CPD skill certified.